Thursday, January 29

Just when....

Just when you think you can't stand any more grief...just when you feel that you can't do any more changing....just when you know that you have nothing left in your soul to give - no more energy - no more moving or even getting out of bed - nor more chances .... you've prayed until you've run out of words....just when ~~~ the Lord steps up to your side, whispers ever so quietly, right to your heart and soul....

and says...

"I am here, I know your pain, I know your grief - do not give up, do not give in; do not lose hope, but keep faith in me, do not lose perspective..."

....He's hugged you; you know you are're lifted, calmed, comforted... you're given the deep peace that you need...

'thank you' is not I give him myself, my pain, my faith and He says 'it is enough...for now'

Tuesday, January 27

I'm so sorry :(...

Lynnette, dear, I am really sorry that I missed coming up to your place to help celebrate your birthday! <:( I am still sick, trying to get well as soon as I can (and don't want to get you or Kaylee sick, either) and am also missing the "scholarship night" at Clark College -- (well I would have missed that anyway, 'cause you're more important! :) Anyway, I'm curled up in my warm bed, enjoying viewing the cold white snow (or what's left of it, anyway) I have to save all my energy for that 'everyday-9-12 class' at Clark, to help me get my feet back on the ground and teach me how to become that person I always dreamed of becoming 'when I grew up" :) Of course, I miss seeing and squishing my Georgie, too :( I sure hope you had a great day! The big fat shiny snowflakes sure make for a good start for your day :) I'll see you soon -- I love you!

Monday, January 26

Interesting stuff :)

Enjoy this selfish "me" post....The ones I've done are bold. Now...after you've enjoyed seeing what I do, do it's fun :)

Started your own blog

Slept under the stars

Played in a band

Visited Hawaii (and Hong Kong, Philippines, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore & Mexico)

Watched a meteor shower

Given more than you can afford to charity

Been to Disneyland/World...(both actually ;)

Climbed a mountain

Held a praying mantis (but did a walking stick)

Sang a solo

Bungee jumped

Visited Paris

Watched a lightning storm at sea (in Singapore - spectacular!)

Taught yourself an art from scratch

Adopted a child

Had food poisoning (bad bologna :(

Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty (been there, but they wouldn't let us climb to top - closed for repairs or some such excuse)

Seen the Mona Lisa in France

Slept on an overnight train

Had a pillow fight

Hitchhiked (once in 1970 - scary - don't do it ;(

Taken a sick day when you’re not ill

Built a snow fort

Held a lamb (but did a koala :) - in Australia :)

Gone skinny dipping

Been to a Broadway show in NY ('Grease' in 1972)

Ran a Marathon

Been in three states at once

Ridden in a gondola in Venice

Seen a total eclipse (so cool! use those little glasses though ;)

Watched a sunrise or sunset (both)

Hit a home run (hit the pitcher, though :)

Been on a Cruise

Seen Niagra Falls in Person

Visited the birthplace of your Ancestors (Scotland)

Seen an Amish community

Taught yourself a new language

Had enough money to be truly satisfied (believe it or not! yes! >:)

Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person

Gone rock climbing (rapelling down NOT FUN!)

Seen Michelangelo’s David

Sung karaoke (and I STILL don't like it ;(

Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt

Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant

Visited Africa

Walked on a beach by moonlight (many times in Santa Barbara)

Been transported in an ambulance

Had your portrait painted - it's gone though

Gone deep sea fishing

Seen the Sistine Chapel in person

Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

Gone scuba diving or snorkeling (no no -- don' t like fishies touching me)

Kissed in the rain

Played in the mud

Been to Grace Kelly's gravesite in Monaco

Gone to a drive-in theater

Been in a movie

Visited the Great Wall of China (missed my chance!!! augh!)

Started a business

Taken a martial arts class

Swam in the Mediterranean Sea (but did the South China Sea - small, nasty, dirty - YUCK!)

Visited Russia

Served at a soup kitchen

Sold Girl Scout cookies

Gone whale watching (from the cliff sides)

Gotten flowers for no reason

Donated blood, platelets or plasma (once...never again)

Gone sky diving

Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp

Bounced a check

Saved a favorite childhood toy

Visited the Lincoln Memorial

Eaten Caviar

Pieced a quilt

Stood in Times Square (the best time was NY'sEve 1972)

Toured the Everglades

Been fired from a job (sadly more than 1 before I 'grew up')

Seen the Changing of the Guards in London (but did see the Change of Guard in DC)

Broken a bone

Been on a speeding motorcycle

Seen the Grand Canyon in person

Published a book

Visited the Vatican

Bought a brand new car (1975 Honda Civic - brown - paid CASH - dummy!)

Walked in Jerusalem

Had your picture in the newspaper

Read the entire Bible (Book of Mormon?? - yes!)

Visited the White House (but did the Senate and House of Congress)

Killed and prepared my own meat

Had chickenpox (at 21! never try this - it's awful!)

Saved someone’s life

Sat on a jury (was always nursing a baby and got out of it :)

Met someone famous

Joined a book club

Lost a loved one

Had a baby (5 :)

Seen the Alamo in person

Swam in the Great Salt Lake

Been involved in a law suit

Owned a cell phone

Been stung by a bee (ouch!)

Wednesday, January 21


I've been in school 2 days now! Remember I'm a part-time student earning 6 credits! Anyway, we're learning now 1) what are we interested in 2) what are we good at 3) how do those 2 things translate into a career?? Well, I'll let you know later how this works out:)

Bad news -- Brenda Kunz can do 1 of three things 1) get a bone marrow transplant (she's not eligible though, so that's not an option. 2) do 4-5 weeks of chemo and then 2 weeks off, rotate again and again until death -- OR -- 3) make the most of what's left of your life, while you're relatively comfortable, so that is the route she is taking. She wants to "go home" with as many good memories as she can cram in :) God Bless you, Brenda, dear. God comfort you and your family.

Monday, January 19

FHE tonight

I had a good time tonight at Roniger's. We talked and visited about a variety of things, then we had a lesson on the Atonement. Jean gave the lesson. Then we ate a neat chocolate bread pudding made from croissants - very yummy! Next week we'll be at the Latta's. I will host the 4th week at my house - should be so much fun! They asked if I was going to be regular - and I said "sure!" they said "cool!" -- hehe -- Livvy said I'm going to be grown-up now -- heheh!

Tomorrow is Clark College - phew! such a busy life ;)

Sunday, January 18

Happy New Stuff....

I got invited to join an FHE group (that's Family Home Evening) every Monday night- it includes the Roniger's, Latta's and Clapp's. We trade homes each week, have a lesson, socialize and eat little yummies.

I start my Displaced Homemaker's Class on Tuesday - everyday for 4 weeks. I'm gonna learn a whole bunch of neat, useful and good stuff there - and make a new friend or two, hopefully. I'll even be taught how to keep a budget without being made to feel like I'm stupid, frivolous or a spendthrift :) Remember, it's not fair to be angry with someone who is just learning their job...sometimes it takes longer to learn our job here on this earth -- it's a process :) -- and Heavenly Father is pleased with each of us who sees a need to improve and then we work on it.

I teach the CTR 7's in Primary - and Julian is one of my kids. We learn about all the things that are necessary to be prepared for their baptisms next year. We sing and color and pray and have a lot of fun.

I got asked to help out with the preparations for the next Stake Women's Conference. I'll help with the food/serving....I am excited to help.

I try to exercise at least 3 days a week -- water aerobics -- it's so easy on my joints (man! - my hips, lower back, hands & knees are all starting to get OLD) and it's a terrific workout! I might not be losing so much weight (only about 8 lbs.), but I'm getting buff! Remember when we got all that snow?? I worked for almost 2 hours shoveling snow and I wasn't tired or sore! See what I mean about getting buff?? yeah, baby!

I have angels and blessings all around me :) My testimony of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Gospel grows stronger everyday. The scriptures and my Patriarchal Blessing bring me comfort and strength everyday, every moment...

I talk to, email or IM with my kids almost every day :) :) :)

mmm, that's all for now, I guess :) Happy me :)

Hey! I'm happier just telling you guys about all my happiness -- hehe :~)

Friday, January 16


HAHA! FOOLED YOU! Happy Martin Luther King Day (19th) Happy Chinese New Year (26th) and Happy Buddhist New Year (27th) :) well.........

okay....happy inauguration day (20th)

It's the year of of the OX :) mmmwwwaaaaaaa! :)

Wednesday, January 14

A New Meaning...

Queenie does not know that this is my most favorite passage from the Scriptures. She is one of my dear friends from Singapore and she gave to me today a scroll that she had painted Chinese calligraphy on...It is a scripture from 1 Corinthians 13:13 - "And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity."

This has a new meaning for me today ~~ faith - in God and Jesus Christ, and the knowledge that they know me, know my situation and that, above all, they love me. ~~ hope - in the things to come, that they will be good and that I will be able to weather whatever comes. ~~ charity - for all of God's children, especially when they are mean.

Each day I learn something new in the Gospel -- something to comfort, teach, prepare, strengthen and most of pass on to another.

Thank you Queenie - you are another angel sent to me...

Tuesday, January 6

Another "Blast from the Past"....hehe

Julian LOVES Kung Fu Panda (remember he is a GREEN belt in Tae Kwan Do) -- and we had been talking about Chia Pets -- there had been lots of commercials for the Herb Garden and such, and we would sing the little jingle and stuff...Julian remarked that it might be fun to have a Chia Pet (and I they're dumb :) Anyway, I was at JoAnn's one day before Christmas and saw this Kung Fu Panda Chia Pet! ding, ding -- Julian was all smiles and giggles (yep little 6-yr old boys still giggle sometimes :) And here he is in the beginning stages of his glory! Ch,Ch, Ch Chia!! Julian loves him and takes care of him everyday -- he's lovely, isn't he ?? :)

Oh!! And do you notice the green flowered counter-top! hehahaheheh! 1970's!!! Someday I'll get new counter-tops, but there are many, many other things that need my attention first - haha!

Monday, January 5

Does anyone remember....

... the Chicken Fat song??

It starts: "Touch down, every morning..."

I found the complete video, sung by Robert Preston, on YouTube...(this one is about 1/3 of it -- the original is over 6 minutes long) This was President Kennedy's idea, in 1961! Thanks, man!!!

sit ups, push ups, circles, march, march, march...

Sunday, January 4

Random things.... :)

My Georgie & Lynnette and her mom at the last time the 104th Army Division Band will play at the Fort Vancouver Tree Lighting ceremony - the 104th Div has been disbanded and they are now part of the 204th "something or other" (help me here George!) :)
My Howie-boy Rudolph! :)
And my Abraham Delacy Giuseppe Casey Thomas O'Malley the Alley Cat Elf --hehe! (Thomas for short)...
Livvy, Julian and Christmas Piggy :)
Howie eating his Christmas Catnip toy :)
Julian threw up all day Christmas Day :(
My Christmas sheepies :)
A nice bright day with almost all the snow gone....
But, then....2 days later...what is that white stuff???? 2 snowbabies!
...yep!! 2 more inches of perfectly packing, snow-ball making fun!! And look!! what is this??? Spider Man visited my car?? The car was warm while the new snow fell, and you can see the framework on the underside of the hood in the cold snow -- weird huh!?!?

And....drum roll please....My new calling is one of 3 CTR 7 teachers in the Primary (there are almost 150 kids in our Primary! and most of us get teaching partners, which will allow me to go to SS and RS sometimes -- yeah!)

One more shot - NO they're not snuggling -- they're melting...ahhhhh... just 4 hours after their creation the air is turning too warm for them....sniff! See you in Heaven, little ones.... :( and below....the final blow came when Julian saw them this morning before school and he KICKED THEM - HI-YA!! we'll see more soon, I imagine -- it seems to be a snowy year here! hehe - snow glorious snow :)