Enjoy this selfish "me" post....The ones I've done are bold. Now...after you've enjoyed seeing what I do, do it yourself...it's fun :)
Started your own blog
Slept under the stars
Played in a band
Visited Hawaii (and Hong Kong, Philippines, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore & Mexico)
Watched a meteor shower
Given more than you can afford to charity
Been to Disneyland/World...(both actually ;)
Climbed a mountain
Held a praying mantis (but did a walking stick)
Sang a solo
Bungee jumped
Visited Paris
Watched a lightning storm at sea (in Singapore - spectacular!)
Taught yourself an art from scratch
Adopted a child
Had food poisoning (bad bologna :(
Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty (been there, but they wouldn't let us climb to top - closed for repairs or some such excuse)
Seen the Mona Lisa in France
Slept on an overnight train
Had a pillow fight
Hitchhiked (once in 1970 - scary - don't do it ;(
Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
Built a snow fort
Held a lamb (but did a koala :) - in Australia :)
Gone skinny dipping
Been to a Broadway show in NY ('Grease' in 1972)
Ran a Marathon
Been in three states at once
Ridden in a gondola in Venice
Seen a total eclipse (so cool! use those little glasses though ;)
Watched a sunrise or sunset (both)
Hit a home run (hit the pitcher, though :)
Been on a Cruise
Seen Niagra Falls in Person
Visited the birthplace of your Ancestors (Scotland)
Seen an Amish community
Taught yourself a new language
Had enough money to be truly satisfied (believe it or not! yes! >:)
Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
Gone rock climbing (rapelling down NOT FUN!)
Seen Michelangelo’s David
Sung karaoke (and I STILL don't like it ;(
Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
Visited Africa
Walked on a beach by moonlight (many times in Santa Barbara)
Been transported in an ambulance
Had your portrait painted - it's gone though
Gone deep sea fishing
Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
Gone scuba diving or snorkeling (no no -- don' t like fishies touching me)
Kissed in the rain
Played in the mud
Been to Grace Kelly's gravesite in Monaco
Gone to a drive-in theater
Been in a movie
Visited the Great Wall of China (missed my chance!!! augh!)
Started a business
Taken a martial arts class
Swam in the Mediterranean Sea (but did the South China Sea - small, nasty, dirty - YUCK!)
Visited Russia
Served at a soup kitchen
Sold Girl Scout cookies
Gone whale watching (from the cliff sides)
Gotten flowers for no reason
Donated blood, platelets or plasma (once...never again)
Gone sky diving
Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
Bounced a check
Saved a favorite childhood toy
Visited the Lincoln Memorial
Eaten Caviar
Pieced a quilt
Stood in Times Square (the best time was NY'sEve 1972)
Toured the Everglades
Been fired from a job (sadly more than 1 before I 'grew up')
Seen the Changing of the Guards in London (but did see the Change of Guard in DC)
Broken a bone
Been on a speeding motorcycle
Seen the Grand Canyon in person
Published a book
Visited the Vatican
Bought a brand new car (1975 Honda Civic - brown - paid CASH - dummy!)
Walked in Jerusalem
Had your picture in the newspaper
Read the entire Bible (Book of Mormon?? - yes!)
Visited the White House (but did the Senate and House of Congress)
Killed and prepared my own meat
Had chickenpox (at 21! never try this - it's awful!)
Saved someone’s life
Sat on a jury (was always nursing a baby and got out of it :)
Met someone famous
Joined a book club
Lost a loved one
Had a baby (5 :)
Seen the Alamo in person
Swam in the Great Salt Lake
Been involved in a law suit
Owned a cell phone
Been stung by a bee (ouch!)
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