Thursday, January 29

Just when....

Just when you think you can't stand any more grief...just when you feel that you can't do any more changing....just when you know that you have nothing left in your soul to give - no more energy - no more moving or even getting out of bed - nor more chances .... you've prayed until you've run out of words....just when ~~~ the Lord steps up to your side, whispers ever so quietly, right to your heart and soul....

and says...

"I am here, I know your pain, I know your grief - do not give up, do not give in; do not lose hope, but keep faith in me, do not lose perspective..."

....He's hugged you; you know you are're lifted, calmed, comforted... you're given the deep peace that you need...

'thank you' is not I give him myself, my pain, my faith and He says 'it is enough...for now'

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