Wednesday, February 27

There - now that's the way =)=)=)....

...the very next day I received 8 -- eight!!! - comments =) =) Thank you all that commented after my raving >:-)

I love you - I check your blogs almost everyday and I'll do 'more better' at commenting, too.

THANKS!! =) love --- me:~)


Emily Marie said...

Um I believe I commented before your raving! :)

Vanalee said...

Hi Laurie,
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I do have another blog, it's my main one at I am using the blogspot one that you found to figure how to change html code. I actually like the way it looks and works better than my current one, but my son (aka my personal computer help desk) is anti-blogspot. So, until I really know how to change things on my own I'm going to stick with wordpress because he likes it better :)

Unknown said...

I know, I'm terrible at commenting! I do love your blog though!!