Tuesday, February 26

hey! what gives!!

I put up blog after blog, people -- and NO ONE comments???


love you! =)


Vanalee said...

So, I'm not sure why I don't comment because I do check your blog on a very regualr basis. Your grandkids are beautiful, your kids sound totally great (from what I can tell one of your daughters looks a lot like you) and I love the pictures of the moms. We are still in Tokyo and will be for 2 more years. And so far I only have 4 trips back to the US coming up this year. They all involve something my kids are doing except the one at the end of March to visit my mom. Yea for cool weather in Singapore. It was never that cool while I was there. It is cold in Japan right now and has snowed three times this year, they even cancelled church because of it one Sunday.

nAnnie Laurie said...

Oh -- people ARE reading my blog!! yeah =) =) Now (sheepish grin) I should read yours more, Vanalee - though I do check it sometimes ;) Thanks!!!