Saturday, December 20

Oh, I forgot to mention....

...I think I told some of you about this but here's proof...

Last Sunday, after our first snow, the temperature dropped to about 16' -- My front storm door is really old (probably the original from the 1970's) and the old aluminum couldn't take the cold and stress anymore and all 3 hinges snapped off!!! groan! snap!....poof! gone :(

BUMMER :( ~~ except that now I can get a pretty new storm door that matches the new paint job on the house :) and it will cost around $400 for the door and installation! pretty good, I think :), eh?

...pretty, but bare?


Unknown said...

Isn't that funny! Well, other than having to get a new door... but I've never heard of that happening before!

Emily Marie said...

Oh no! Well good luck with the new door!