Sunday, November 30

Okay - Thanksgiving!?!? You betcha!

I FORGOT MY CAMERA!!! augh! Oh well.... never drive through the Columbia River Gorge on a rainy night....very scary -- no lights!! I managed to do it both directions - silly me!!!

I went over to the Tri-cities, to be with my mom, daughter, 'Manda, Michael and Blake. Livvy, Tim and boys came, too. We went over to Michael's mom's house for dinner and had quite the crowd! It was fun and yummy. Gg (my mom) wore one of the new dresses I sewed for her (I have 3 more to make).

I am thankful for my mommy (she's 'still around' at 93!!) even though she is ornery(hehehehahaha) as ever. I am thankful for my 5 loving, kind children, and their spouses and especially for my grandkids, who make each day such a joy....

I am thankful for all my friends and family around me - especially my closest girlfriends, Trish, Diane, & Ginger (and don't let your name placement on my list bother you, silly; someone had to be first, middle and last - hehehe) They each bring such kindness, wisdom and comfort to me. Life sure has a way of throwing you big loops sometimes, and it's during these times that you learn just who your REAL friends are! I love you, dear ladies - God Bless You.....

Without my kids and their love, life would be soooooo lonely and boring! I just love to squish 'em and hug 'em and kiss 'em -- OH! and tickle-bug the grandkids, too -- hehe! such fun!

I am thankful and so grateful to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for their unfailing love, comfort, support and guidance -- they are the truest and most unfailing of friends. My testimony of them is my greatest joy and my grandest gift. They never fail. I feel their arms around me and they hold me tight. They are with me through the scriptures and in my prayers. They are with me in the sunshine, the rain, the dark. They are with me while I am driving and seeing all the beautiful nature around me. They are with me when I listen to music. They calm my troubled heart and they rejoice with me in my joy. They are constant and kind.


Emily Marie said...

I am glad you had a good time and I am glad you feel loved. You are! Thank you for sharing your testimony!

Olivia Heilmann said...

I love you too mom. We did have fun, didn't we!!

Vicki said...

Glad you had a good Thanksgiving :)
We were happy to spend it in the USA after 4 turkey days overseas.