Sunday, June 8

My Georgie....oooh and my Jennifer, too =)

....George graduates college in a few days (I'll have some pictures up after the 13th). But 2 days ago, he marched with the Army Band Vancouver 104th Division in the 101st Portland Grand Floral Parade -- and because I missed the actual parade, I watched it on the TV tonight, and saw him! They did a full-body shot of him marching by playing his trumpet! whaaaaahoooooo! go, Georgie and the Army Band!

Jenn - I also saw your old Llama group in the parade, too - with Monica in her wheelchair. I missed seeing you and your mom and dad! =( Hope to see you and your family when you're here for the Fair =)

1 comment:

Vicki said...

HI Laurie,
I finally got your blog linked to ours... so we can keep up on you.
Jake just started a job in Renton, ... we are excited to be moving to Washington.