Saturday, June 28

It's 1 AM and......

....there is so much to say. ;) I won't tell you now, though, since I'm waiting for the last load of laundry to go in the dryer, then I'm off to a 9AM date with the Water Aerobics class tomorrow (with Sarah and my friend Diane)

So I will tell you more about my last few days, and more about the summer in general.

Blake (my 10-year-old grandson) flies to Mexico for all of July on July 1st to be with his dad, then Sarah and Evoly fly back to Virginia on the 3rd (sniff sniff!!). On the 7th I get my permanent back-molar's crown put on and on the 8th Emily and her three beauties fly here for a couple of weeks - and I'll get to see them!! I reset my return tickets to Singapore for Sept. 3rd (or 2nd - I forget!)

More later -- promise -- just don't know how soon ;)

Oh, one more thing. I've got my WA driver's License updated (it expires soon) and the license tag on the Toyota updated (it expires end of June) and I am now the proud "registered owner" of this great car and Mom (or Grandmommy or Gg - whatever you call her =) is still the "Legal Owner" until we get the 'new' title (a replacement one ;) signed over to me and I finish paying her for the car. It's had all it's 90,000-mile work done on it. So....2 more things I can 'tick' off my summer "to-do list" -- yeah me!!


Emily Marie said...

Thanks for the update, can't wait for more. Oh and I come on the afternoon of the 7th. Maybe Livvy can pick me up!!

Vicki said...

So glad to hear you got to check some things off of your list... such a nice feeling (and we are working on getting our new car licensed, and getting the title, etc so I know how good I would feel to have that done.

Sounds like you will still be in Washington when me and the kids join Jake there in August... I do remember thinking in Singapore, that you were in the states more than anybody else... so you have to keep your reputation up.

ps. Side note ---I like this blue color much better than the orange one you had a while back.That one hurt my eyes ;)