Friday, May 9

crackle, rummble, BOOM!!! - Daylight =) ** update

** amazingly, the aircons still work when they are leaking. Because there are no right angles in the house and so many BIG windows, there is something underneath each aircon (they are wall units set up high). Sometimes it's a TV that is under an aircon, so I must check them all the time to see if anything is potentially getting ruined ;) What causes them to leak, is that after a particularly heavy and long rainfall (or several days of them), the air outside is extra saturated with moisture and the aircons can't keep up with the de-humidifiying of the inside air. That's when I call the Aircon guy and he comes and vacuums out the aircon - and it's good until it's too full, again - which could be months! Ya just never know!

It's 4:22 AM and I was woken up by another GREAT thunderstorm. And then lulled back to sleep by soothing sound of the rain. And that's really nice, because yesterday I was so aggravated by my livingroom aircon!! It must have leaked enough water to have created this lovely thunderstorm =) I called the aircon guy in the morning; they said, "he will be there between 5-7 PM" - (augh!) and he didn't even show up until 8 PM - I had emptied 3 trashcans of water and did a good mop job as well on the floor - TWICE - before he showed up to vacuum-drain the aircon to give it room to do it's job of evaporating the heavy humidity in the air -- I think I created the rain storm =) the water from my aircon and the thunder & lightening from my frustration and now more peaceful sleep from the shushing of the rain =) ahh, nighty night........ZZZZZzzzzzzz


Anonymous said...

Oh sheesh!!

I am glad that you were able to sleep though. I love the heavy sound of rain. What I really don't like it "Oregon Mist" I am NOT a vegetable!!

Unknown said...

Was it still working or were you HOT? At least you have tile and not carpet.. can you imagine the mess??