Wednesday, May 7

CERTIFICATE =) ** update

** there will be a new challenge that starts on June 1st. If anyone is interested, I think the website will continue to be They haven't said what the challenge will be -- the BOM or something stay tuned =)

"This certificate certifies that Laurie Ogden has successfully completed THE HINCKLEY CHALLENGE and on 7 May 2008 became a warrior!" This is what the certificate says. I finished reading the Book of Mormon today, in 94-1/2 days, 2-1/2 days early, after having been as much as 70 pages behind! If you look at the graph below, it looks like I'm just starting to read - and I am =) - for the 2nd time! yahooooooooooo. I hope the graph works after 10th May - that's when it's scheduled to be the end of the challenge, which was "read the BOM in 97 days". If it's not available, I'm gonna keep reading anyway and keep my own chart! Read On!! =)


Emily Marie said...

Yeah! :)

Olivia Heilmann said...

Wow mom! That is really awesome!!

Unknown said...

Good for you!! Logan and Abinadi just finished the "BOok of Mormon" too. Granted.. it was the easy reader version.. but still. :) Now she says she's Captain Moroni all the time. Good luck on your next go round!