Friday, December 28

Colonial Williamsburg

This is Colonial Williamsburg, the working area, at Christmas-time. Every building is either original, or a careful, authentic reproduction. Even in the 'tourist-shopping' area, many of the buildings are the originals (in part or all) being used for other than their original purpose -- in other words, the restaurant we ate lunch at was once a post office. The church is the original and one of the very oldest Parrish buildings in America. It is the same for the carriages. The wreaths are strictly made from what nature provided around the area, including the small-ish pineapples. The wreath 'forms' are made from grape vines. There is no metal in them. The costumed actors are wearing period-style clothing. It was slightly cold but a clear and beautiful day.

Papa is sick again, and was unable to go with us. :( he's been eating home-made chicken soup and a variety of pills and fizzy drinks (Airborne). Hope he's better by 9:30AM tomorrow :)

I hope you enjoy a little flavor of Colonial America.

1 comment:

Reluctant Nomad said...

Thank you for putting these pictures up. Christmas is never more beautiful than in Colonial Williamsburg, oh how I miss it.