Saturday, September 29

Ok, I know :)

I know that I have promised that I would post pictures -- and I will -- eventually :) please bear with me. I've been entertaining the troops and helping Sarah and "Cashew". I've still got to download pictures from 2 cameras, organize, decide, etc., etc. Excuses? Maybe!

Right now I am tired -- yes still -- so indulge me another couple of days. I really haven't had time to properly recover from my own jet-lag, but now that the kids are gone (sniffle, sob) I can do that -- it usually takes me up to 2 weeks - hope this one isn't as long. Being up early each day with the kids might have helped, but by 9 PM my eyes are closing! NOT NORMAL!

Sarah and I are going to try to start a regular exercise/swim program to get BUFF! well, at least to lose weight! hehe :)

It's been extremely fun being able to get each of our kids/families here to Singapore! We've enjoyed every sweet-stinkin' moment! there were never any major injuries, and sometimes we were even able to go to other countries around us. It's been a once-in-a-lifetime (x's 5) experience and I'm so glad that we were able to do that. I hope that for each of you it has been a great experience, too. Now the work of putting away money for our own retirement begins, and we've got enough time left to accomplish a good savings.

I love you all -- more later, after today's church and sleep.

1 comment:

Emily Marie said...

I see that you changed your title but still nothing about 'truth, reality, and responsibility' ;) Just reminding you :) hehehe