Monday, August 13


Late last night as I was falling asleep, a spider (or some other such creeepy creature) fell out of the air-vent above my face and landed ON MY CLOSED EYE!!! >:( aaaaaaaaaaaa - well....naturally, I got out of bed (couch) flinging my arms violently around - and shaking and jumping ... and I didn't see it again...must have been afraid of a crazy woman ...hehe...then this morning, the toilet backed-up for most of today -- plunge!, suck! won't drain --- plunge!, suck! won't drain--- YOUR'E RIGHT , IT'S YUCKY!!.........soooooo, I had 2 Krispy Cremes late tonight!! yeah >:) what of happens so eat dessert first ... and last :):) have a nice day :-)

Tuesday, August 7

Friday, August 3

School days, school days (lala lala la la)

Mommy is our driver :) It's 'tax free' day!! Yippee!

Miriam is our happy Kindergartener

and little Elaine is our shopping hostage >:(
"why are we shopping again - I don't want to go shopping again - wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

First, we drove to Target and bought some jeans and some supplies.
Then we got really excited and went to WalMart :)

First we found my pencil/supply box - in GREEN, not pink or blue (I've even bought all my new shirts is orange, black, green, red and brown - I have enough pink and purple and turquoise, I think.

Next is glue sticks - 6 BIG ones!!

Mom is helping me find the 8 crayon box and the 16 crayon box - I guess I need both - I don't know why ?? Teacher wants them both for some reason. Weird.

I get to put all my stuff in the cart :)

Next, I am looking for a clip board - I get to choose from pink, green, brown and clear - guess which one I choose - pink - well I guess I'm no totally done with pink >:~)

Boy we sure worked hard today (especially trying to find plain white underwear - did you know that they don't sell packs of those anymore! what!?!?) so...............we eat - that helped Elaine calm down a little bit -

Guess it's time to go home now - phew! glad that's done!
Now let's get to school :~)

Thursday, August 2

MY newest cutie! :)

They're mine! ALL MINE!! And you can't have them!! Ahahahaha! I have the most wonderful, beautiful and handsome, talented and smartest grandchildren in the whole entire world - This newest little cutie is only 6 days old - and she's already stolen hearts :)
Blake is 9, Julian and Miriam are 5, Elaine and Tristan are 3 and Evoly is almost a week old.
Aren't you jealous?! >:~) Sarah is doing a great job - Evoly still has a bit of jaundice (where their billirubin is too high and the skin turns yellow), but she is almost past that - The doc told Sarah she could have Evoly put under a "billi-light" or take her outside and put her in full sunlight - with sunglasses, what a HOOT! - so she choose the latter - Evoly is loosing that yellow cast a bit each day. Her feet, legs and her lower torso are now pink; just a little yellow left in her upper torso and face - the whites of the eyes are the last to lose the funky color. It's been getting hotter here lately, so about 5 minutes outside is all she can take, then back inside the airconed house to cool off. She is very mild tempered & serene - only screams bloody murder when you change her diaper! Of course, she still sleeps a lot - but to my knowledge, no one has been awakened in the middle of the night with any loud wails :) Her cry is quite soft, too, kinda with a bit of gurgle or "whispy" sound to it. We all love to look at her and hold her - especially Miriam and Elaine..............well and of course, Sayah :)