Friday, August 3

School days, school days (lala lala la la)

Mommy is our driver :) It's 'tax free' day!! Yippee!

Miriam is our happy Kindergartener

and little Elaine is our shopping hostage >:(
"why are we shopping again - I don't want to go shopping again - wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

First, we drove to Target and bought some jeans and some supplies.
Then we got really excited and went to WalMart :)

First we found my pencil/supply box - in GREEN, not pink or blue (I've even bought all my new shirts is orange, black, green, red and brown - I have enough pink and purple and turquoise, I think.

Next is glue sticks - 6 BIG ones!!

Mom is helping me find the 8 crayon box and the 16 crayon box - I guess I need both - I don't know why ?? Teacher wants them both for some reason. Weird.

I get to put all my stuff in the cart :)

Next, I am looking for a clip board - I get to choose from pink, green, brown and clear - guess which one I choose - pink - well I guess I'm no totally done with pink >:~)

Boy we sure worked hard today (especially trying to find plain white underwear - did you know that they don't sell packs of those anymore! what!?!?) so...............we eat - that helped Elaine calm down a little bit -

Guess it's time to go home now - phew! glad that's done!
Now let's get to school :~)


Emily Marie said...

Hurray! And I didn't die from all that shopping either ;) It was fun!

Olivia Heilmann said...

What a cute and fun idea to bring your camera!! We were just about to head out and do some school supply shopping of our own! I think we will bring our camera, too. We don't have tax-free shopping day though. That would have been really cool!