Thursday, January 18

Not Acceptable

Ok, well... the new business, SGH, that daddy applied to has finally come through. So this is the package -- they will give us less money per month, a small bonus at the end of the year (a set amount) and another 'gratuity', also at the end of the year, but no promise on the amount. Well............not acceptable. We can't live on what we are making now, month to month, and they offer us less ?? That's why he applied to SGH in the first place; Maccine couldn't afford to keep him. Daddy is detailing his CV for OSU and will send it in over the weekend, online. We will work with the SGH and Maccine, bargaining, trying to fine-tune a contract to our needs and see what they can do. Then if he gets accepted at OSU (he is the senior applicant) and SGH nor Maccine doesn't come through for us here, we will work here until end of August and move home. We really would like to stay here, though, for a while longer. Obviously, if he gets accepted at OSU we will be making vastly less money than we do here, but then the cost of living is vastly less, also. We have to go back to the bargaining table - augh! Don't start sweating too much right now, but prayers and fasting would help a lot.
That's all for now, folks !

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