Tuesday, December 26

I'm crying :(

Well, I'm home now, in Singapore that is :( and Emily, Carlos, Miriam and Elaine have abandoned me! Their flight doesn't leave for another 20 minutes or so, but they will have an 8 hour layover in Hong Kong, and then another 12 hour layover in Chicago, before finally stepping back into their home, exhausted! UGH! We have all had an extraordinary month together, with them traveling to Hong Kong, China - Manila, Philippines and Malacca, Malaysia to play, as well as being here in Singapore. I am still crying and will on and off for another day. Now it's back to 'normal' life with the condo owners, AirCon man, water heater man and our real estate agent all coming here this morning at 10:30 to repair and replace said household appliances. Then I can crash into bed and SLEEP, sleep, sleep, sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. ;) I will post some pictures when I figure out how to do that - so until later sometime. I love you, mommy


Olivia Heilmann said...

Oh my Mommy!! I love you so much. I miss you...I cried while looking at the pics from Em and Carlos' blog. HOMESICK! Can't wait to find out when we can visit!

Anonymous said...

I just finished 'looking at' the REAL Em and Carlos! They got here with their two beautiful girls around 7PM; I picked 'em up at O'Hare & we drove back to Oak Park, where we had homemade "turken" soup (not enough turkey - I'd snuck a couple of sandwiches, so Nancy had to add chicken). Delicious.

What fun having the four of them here, if only for a few hours! They'll be up at 4AM and on their way back to VA, so we won't get to see them for a while. However, we've been talking about going Out East on our next adventure (as opposed to Up North)... so - maybe then.

Love you guys!
(Uncle) Johnny