Wednesday, December 27

I thought I was going to sleep!!

Hey - what happened to sleeping the day after everyone leaves - it's an age-old tradition with me - BUT NOT TODAY!! I've had the owners of the condo, our agent, the 'old' air-con man, the 'new' air-con man, and the water heater guy over starting at 10:30 am until 6:00 pm -- augh! My head hurts, my joints ache, I still have that dang cold/congestion - BUT! one of the aircons is fixed, another one (maybe 2) tomorrow, and the old hot water heater that flooded our kitchen 4 days ago is now a new hot water heater, that only drips out of the release valve ---- Then I will take a hot shower and relax on the couch and probably fall asleep in about 15 minutes of exhaustion from such a busy day! ahhhhhh - sleep :) the big problem with falling asleep so early is that I will probably wake up at 2:00 am - Oh well, I'll just deal with it - sleep is good - so good night 8.)

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