Tuesday, July 28

I'm a terrible nana!

this background makes me feel cooler somehow...it's called strawberry mint...

...I forgot my baby's birthday - baby Evoly, that is!! it was yesterday! she's 2 -- okay so she won't know that I forgot; if I do this again in a couple of years, I'm toast! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE ONE - I LOVE YOU! :-) and I'll see you and mommy very soon.

I do have a legitimate excuse tho' (yeah okay still an excuse!) but REAL...I had a big English paper due today (tuesday) and I just pulled it off late last night at 10PM - turned it in finished and on time...tho' probably not my BEST effort, it was quite good and I should get a decent grade on it...so far in English I have 86, 94 and 100 for paper grades (93.3 average - not bad :-) we start our rough drafts this week, with a working introduction. I really don't like this process, but I know, I know! it's necessary and will come to be a very useful class to have taken (plus it's required for an A.A. anyway)

We've only had one exam in math so far (next one is tomorrow, Wed) and I got a 96/100. It 's not stressing me too much, even tho' we are on a double speed-up session and are 3 days behind in class note-time...plus the teacher let's us bring 1 paper of notes...which I might just take him up on this time.

Anyway, the back porch thermastat says it's 109.5' out there...officially it's 101+', with no let-up in sight for another full day and 1/2 - MELT! Inside it is currently a cool 82.4' -- hey! 20 degrees cooler feels nice right now - even tho' it's 'stinkin' hot' according to the radio announcer :-) And we officially had a LOW of 75' - another record HIGH for a LOW -- the last low we had that high was in the 1940's, folks...it made for a very rapidly increasing temp for the day and tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter (and the air quality sucks, too) (OFFICIAL HIGH FOR VANCOUVER TODAY WAS 106'F and tomorrow is supposed to be the hottest yet...triple melt)

Ok - enough whinning :-)

Have a nice day - and I hope it's cooler where you are (just had to throw that in! haha!)


Emily Marie said...

Tis cooler where I am, however, it is humid!!!
Good luck on your test!

Vicki said...

I feel your pain with the heat thing... and most people tell me to stop whining and invest in an AC-- but I just can't fork over the money for something that will be used for such a small percentage of the year.
and -- I am sure you are a wonderful grandma

Olivia Heilmann said...

yup...cooler here. How ironic! Don't worry, I forgot her birthday too...remembered it the next day. Good luck in school. Is Sarah coming for a visit??? ;)

Stephers said...

I LOVE your blog! So many beautiful pictures...