The boys got bored with him, because, let's face it, Guinea pigs don't do much :)...
No one knows how old he is...
...and he went into the corner by the broom.
...and,mmmmm, in Peru... :( he would be lunch :( glad you're here, Oreo...
P.S. Thomas, our big FAT white kitty-boy (aka "fatty-boomba-latty") will be 15 yrs. old soon -- good boy, Tommy! :) He's on a diet, loosing weight slowly - the safe way :!)
I think someone sold you a shih-zhu and only told you it was a guinea pig.
hehe! hahaha! aaaaaa hahahah! that's cute :)
that is nice that he didn't run away but just hid somewhere :)
hehe - usually piggies just go find a corner to hide in --- even when he's in his cage he prefers his little 'house'. Now if Oreo was a hampster, mouse, rat, etc....we'd be on an all-out hunt!
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