Thursday, December 18

SNOW :) or >:)

These 3 photos are taken from my front porch just after sun-up...isn't it perrty :)

Okay, now.....I'm warning you!.........the rest of this post is UGLY!!!!! >:(
Livvy and my x-street neighbor -- notice suspicious tire tracks??? Evidence of an accident?!?!?!?

hmmmmm!! looks bad!

YUP!! >:( it's bad all right! Okay, we called 911, reported it and about 30 minutes later the county sheriff came out to THE TEENAGE KID'S house, talked to him, he admitted to 'hit & run"; they came over to my house, he apologized, gave me all his information, and promised to come repair it himself when it warmed up, and only use his auto insurance if he couldn't do the repairs himself. It looks bad, but it's only the wire itself that is bent - the posts aren't damaged. I'm not pressing charges, but now everyone knows that the kid's at fault and needs to suck up and be a....what!?!? boy?? It's an accident -- Headlines might read.... "Inexperienced teenage boy driving in wet snow skids into neighbors fence!!" Problem is he "forgets" to report it >:(


Emily Marie said...

Oh that's too bad! Sorry that happened! the pictures are great though! :) Love snow!

Vicki said...

Oh, sorry about your fence.... It is more sad to me that the kid just left and didn't own up at first. I hope my kids will own up --even if it was an accident.