Wednesday, November 5

As November begins..........

Halloween and the goblins have passed and gone....

The house repairs are all complete, except for paint - we wait patiently (not!) for a dry day. Will the rain ever stop - it's never bothered me before - until now! Please Mother Nature - we'd like to paint my house a pretty color =-) ....

The elections are over with (finally!) and though I am not happy about the outcomes, I pray that the Lord will not abandon our country, and that our new leaders will seek Him and listen....

Thanksgiving is just around the corner - let's all voice our thanks each day for the many, many blessings that we have in this country and in this day. We are truly a blessed people....

Life has a way of throwing you curve balls when you least expect them. Please keep family and friends in your daily prayers and a prayer in your heart always. We all need that extra boost that comes from your love and the Lord's blessings.

I have a testimony of our Savior and know that it is through obedience that He can help us and bless us - and His love and the gospel are all-encompassing --- His never-ending love and Atonement can and will heal all things.