Sunday, September 21

Point Reyes National Seashore & Lighthouse

Steps down to the acutal Lighthouse (which we did NOT climb!) are equivalent to a 30-story building! We never did see the lighthouse, as the fog was very thick this day - bummer!

Ice Plant.

Interesting trees in the fog, blown/grown in the constant wind of Point Reyes (pronounced 'rays').

Area before the lighthouse steps. Notice the small grey whale head near the middle?? (front view) Rock cliffs on the right and around are full of small circular erosion areas - interesting. On the left of the fence-line is where they collect rain and dew water and distill it for drinking for the rangers that live here.

High up on the point looking down to the shoreline.

Matt and Trish beneath the trees and fog.

Close-up of interesting things growing on the old trees.

Small out-building on one side of the point (probably storage &/or pump station of some kind - there are several of these all around).

Read the next entry, too. Today was a big day :)~


Olivia Heilmann said...

You take amazing pictures!!

Emily Marie said...

Yes, really great pictures! Glad you had a good time!