went swimming today, after taking a break Tuesday to rest my foot (though I don't exactly call walking around shopping a 'break' -- hehe!) Anyway, I swam without the brace, and my foot did JUST FINE!! yeah! There is still some soreness there, but no real pain - I will continue to wear the brace through the weekend, just to be sure, but I'm amazed at how fast this sprain has healed - do you think that it might have something to do with the fact that I'm at least a little more physically fit that I was even 6 months ago? My system is able to work better? Of course, I give plenty of credit to the angels too =-)
hey! you gotta view this "in the order received" to get the proper perspective =-) see below for the new pics and comments....
Notice anything funny about my foot?
The nice swelling and slightly bluish color around the ankle??
Oh nice looking ;)
I was going to go to my water aerobics class today!
I actually did go....was walking into the pool area, realized that my sunglasses were still on
my head, turned around to put them in my bag hanging on the hook -------and
AUGH! I slipped!!! -- not very gracefully, either. I landed with my right leg folded under me and the foot folded the wrong way and heard a small 'pop'
I tried to do the class, but 15 minutes into it, I realized that the ankle was really hurting, so I went to Urgent Care, they x-rayed it -- no break, just badly sprained.
Here's a better picture of the bruise -- it's much more pronounced today, but oddly and happily, it's hurts much less =) I guess icing it for 1/2 hour and taking 600mg of Aleve every 12 hours did the trick!
I really didn't like the brace the doctors office gave me, so I went to Walmart and got one that supports from alll directions. It's much more comfortable and I can't move it at all in any direction -- it costs $15.00, but who cares when you can walk and sleep with no pain =-)
And you know what else?? In the course of the fall, I bashed my hand, smashed my elbow and tweeked my back!! But guess what!?!? nothing else hurts -- Guess a group of angels were with me afterall =-)
Oh brother! That is sad! Feel better quick!!
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