Thursday, January 17

Ok !!! I am officially mad >:( ...... with ***updates***...ok, I'm getting happy =)

4) It's gone already - only 1/2 hour -- maybe more on Saturday ;) 3) Okay, it's starting to stick a little bit - I'm driving out to Sarah's anyway to see the blizzard, 'cause by noon it will all melt anyway -- but the weather guy said that Saturday will be colder and snow more :-) hehehe ***update*** 2) okay, maybe, just maybe...I see 10 little flakes out my bedroom window :=) It's "blizzarding" where Sarah is, though...maybe, just maybe :=) ..... 1) and so will Emily be, when she wakes up!! We - meaning Emily and family - live on the "east side" of town. Sarah lives on the "west side" and it is SNOWING on Sarah's side of town AND NOT HERE!!! AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!!! >:( Okay! today, I am going to drive to the other side of town (about a 25 minute drive) to see and feel the snow, in about an hour, because by noon, "they" say (meaning the dumb weather guys!!!) that it will turn to rain by then. hhhmmmpphhh! If I see the wonderful white stuff, I am going to take a few pictures and post them :=) I know! you all think I am crazy for liking the snow -- too cold and all that junk! HEY! I didn't come all the way from the tropics for nuttin' you know :=)

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