Tuesday, June 5

TV in Singapore

Ok - good news and bad news about TV in Singapore - well not BAD news exactly - just weird news I guess. ;) This past week, the Oprah show has changed channels (from Ch 18-Star World to Ch 17-The Hallmark Channel - there are no "networks" here - it's all government controlled) That's the good part, because in the changing, they also updated their "all new""never seen before" shows to the 2006-07 --- Previously, for the past 2-1/2 years, I've been watching reruns of 2002-05's "all new""never seen before" shows ! :) hehe Yestereday, on Oprah, I actually watched a show that was taped just after the Virginia Tech troubles - so that is fairly new and in 2007! cool! the BAD news is, even though I get to see "new shows" at 9am, 1pm and 10pm - they are rotated each day - example - today's 9 am show is yesterday's 1 pm show - so hopefully today at 1 pm, I will actually see a "all new""never seen before" show taped either in 2006 or 2007. (Oh Oprah is talking via sattelite to the 6 remaining singers on American Idol -- Sanjyah was just eliminated) - but still it's new to me :) And most shows have at least 1 repeat sometime during the week, so if I miss the "premiere" I can still catch the repeat "premiere" ! hahahhehehehe -- anyway, a little taste of Singapore :)

1 comment:

Emily Marie said...

interesting...at least when you come back here and happen to see an episode, it will be new to you! :)