Thursday, March 15

oooooooooo ~ I got a new toy

I got my new Dell computer today -- 5 hours late!! I missed my RS birthday Celebration waiting for those 'dumbos' to deliver!! I have a Dell XPS M1210 - it's pretty! Iwill use it for my RS Secretary business and for Genealogy work - and I can travel with it -- it's built for wireless, has a 14-1/2 screen , DVD etc., driver, bluetooth, built-in camera for pix and IM and a whole bunch of stuff I'm going to have to take a while and a book to learn how to do -- Mandy is such a wiz at this that I'm hoping she can teach me stuff, too. Plus I have to get used to a new keyboard and built-in mouse-pad - that's probably going to be the hardest of all, cause it's pretty small.


Olivia Heilmann said...

How super fun for you. By the way... Julian now calls you "the nana with the curly hair."

Emily Marie said...

That sounds fun, I hope you are getting the hang of it!