Sunday, February 25

New Calling ?? :o

Well, today I got a new calling (will be sustained next week - yep - you have advance notice! Does that make me evil ??) I've never had this calling before, and it seems very daunting to me for a couple of reasons.
1~ I have to learn Microsoft Excel - is it possible for me to do this?? In a week!
2~ I will have to actually learn EVERY sister's name in the whole ward AND PUT A FACE TO THEM - is THIS possible for me to do anytime this century?? !!

The perks, though, just might out-weigh the scariness of it all!
1~ I get to have my very own lap-top (which also comes in handy for my Genealogy and movies on airplanes!)
2~ I get to work with my best friend, who happens to be the President.

Any clues??'s Relief Society Secretary ............The Lord always likes me to do things that are hard, where I might learn something new! Geezzzz! very funny! NOT haha!
Ok - breath deeply - say "ooohhhmmm" lots and put one foot in front of the other and listen carefully to the 'old' secretary, as she TRIES to teach me! So far, I have not been released from my other calling, which is Sacrament Meeting Chorister, but this one is a breeze, and I could quite literally do that one blindfolded, so I do hope I get to keep that one, at least for a while longer!

Oh - and - I probably will put up new posts even less often that I do now! Sorry! :(

1 comment:

Emily Marie said...

Yeah that will be nice and challenging. I am sure you will be fine. Good luck!