Tuesday, January 2

From Bryan to Laurie for Christmas 2005

Just a little piece of nostalgia I found while cleaning off a table for the Aircon man coming to repair the aircon --- Bryan wrote this last Christmas - hope you enjoy it!! The Days Before Christmas (adapted from "The Night Before Christmas") ~~~ 'Twas the days before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, 'cept George, his bird, and those things that might chase a mouse (if they're not late for a nap); The garbage was burned up the chimney with care, Since Mom and Dad Ogden soon would be there. George moved out of his room to give them his bed, Moved into his office to sleep there instead. And Mom with her luggage and Dad with his crap, Arrived on the 15th from far off the map. When Mom came to town there arose such a clatter, She sprang to the malls, her credit to batter. Away to do shopping she flew like a flash, Tore open her wallet and threw down the cash. She had months worth of shopping to do in 1 week, Like the bird gathering worms for her chicks in her beak. She got them some kits to make them be ready, And for filling their stockings, some fruit and some candy. But nothing for Momma, her shopping was done, She'd bought her own present before she had come. So Papa was left with no choice but to say, "That machine back in Asia must do for the day." So while others are opening gift after gift, She'll have only this poem to give her a lift. As the kids pick up presents, we'll call them by name: "Now, Mandy, now, Livvy, now, Georgie and Timmy! On, Blakie, on Julian, On Tristan and GG! From the bottom of the tree! And back down the hall! Now unwrap away! Unwrap away! Unwrap away all!" As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they meet with that obstacle, mount to the sky, So wrapping will fly and pile up, too, With the floor full of toys, and e-kits and food. And then, in a twinkling, we'll hear them say "thanks", As they straddle their gift piles stacked all 'round their flanks. And the thought will occur that the pile is small, 'round the flanks of the Mom who'd spent days at the Mall. But she'll smile and confess that her gifts have been great, From the sewing machine, to the food on her plate, To the poem from her husband, such as it is, To the squeals of her grandchildren, mother and kids. And we'll hope that there isn't a twinge of regret, That her adamant charge to her husband was that...,"No more giving to me, I insist, it's been given!". And we'll hope it's enough that this poem has been written. And we'll hear her exclaim, ere she flies out of sight, "That was a really good Christmas." Hope this brings a smile to your face and a little tear to your eye - isn't Daddy great!

1 comment:

Emily Marie said...

That is so fun. I am sad we weren't there at the time! We love the way Dad writes poems!