.....that all my children are happy, married and have families of their own (even the one without children (yet) is a FAMILY =)
.....that I can travel back & forth to see my kids and their kids any time I want to, but I usually center the trip around a wedding, a childbirth, a graduation, a birthday (my mommy's), a beach trip or (sniff,sniff) an illness (Gg again =(
.....that there are doctors that can help you heal your "owies" - like high blood pressure, high 'bad' cholesterol, "overweightness" ;) , cancer :( , stress & anxiety, etc., etc.
.....for Heavenly Father; that he is so patient with a person such as I; that He knows me and He loves me inspite of my many failings!!
.....for Jesus Christ, that he suffered the excruciating Atonement - because without that awful thing, we could not return to see Him or Heavenly Father ever again.
....for loving, faithful & wonderful friends who listen to me when I cry...just listen...it's the best medicine of all. And for the same friends that help me to celebrate my victories.
.....for cool wind on a hot, sticky day (and that happens in Singapore..believe me it is wonderful =)
.....for sight, hearing (such as mine is ;) , smell, taste, touch and that 6th sense, the Holy Ghost.
.....for music (I would die without it), for beautiful colors all around me, for the textures of nature that are all around us.
.....for books...that make me think, cry, wonder, revel, dream, laugh, learn, wish, understand...
.....for "my" ocean...on the US Pacific Northwest (which technically is, I guess, the eastern Pacific =)
.....for my beautiful kitties, even when they take revenge on me each time I return home (but only for a day =) ...
.....for mommies and daddies the world over -- who love & cherish their little children.
.....for this beautiful place we call earth, home, our world -- even the dry, brown parts are pretty sometimes =)
.....for my husband who is so patient with me ( most of the time ;) ... there is no one else on earth that would have "hanged in there" with me as long as he has ... almost 32 years & counting....
.....very, very thankful that my children take such good care of each other -- especially when I cannot be there.
.....for my family: my siblings, my husband, my kids, their spouses, grandkids, my mommy...and all who went before us -- they are cheering us on in the Eternities...