Monday, May 21

Did You Know #2...

...That the California Sea Otter's fur is so thick, it has 1,000,000 hairs per square inch! awesome! They have no blubber, so their fur is how they keep their temp at 100 degrees....that the Orcas live in pods that includes up to their great-grandmothers!! what a family bond! They are in danger because the salmon runs on the Pacific are down in numbers -one of their main foods...and the PCB's they ingest from the foods they eat are fed directly to their young through the milk - another killer...Females can live up to 80 years old - wow! California Seals like to feed in the same feeding grounds as the Blue Whales' 'leftovers' - and feed with them at the same time :)
This past Sunday, I was released from the RS Secretary position - :( - but I got called as the Ward Music Coordinator (including being over my own position as the Sacrament Chorister - which I won't release myself from just yet:) Bishop wants me to have a Christams & Easter program, a Ward Musical, teaching clinics, and keep tract of all the other music people in the ward. Daddy is the Assistant Ward Librarian and a ward Missionary. We are both the SA/YSA Ward (don't what it's called) --the house where they all land when they have their cottage meetings, or FHE's etc. We don't do anything - they take care of all the parts of their meetings, but we open our door and let them use our home. It'll be fun. This coming Sunday, they will be here and watch Elder Bednar's most recent CES Fireside.

Sunday, May 13

oh my!................

Well -- no one will ever acuse me of being a reliable witness :) Remember that beautiful lithograpgh that I've wanted for over a year?? The one I've looked at and coveted?? Read the last post and you'll read how I describe it. Now read what it really looks like -- hahaha!!! The colors are right! There are cliffs. The's a mom & son and she is carrying a bundle on her head. They are standing on the opposite side of a bay looking at the cliffs. I use to be a detail person --- well NO MORE! hahahaha! Is it age or can I blame it on the lowly peanut ?? Only Heavenly Father knows for sure - Via con Dios :) Felize dia de madre (correct me Carlos or Marlon :) :)

Wednesday, May 9

bits and pieces

Just some newsy news ;) It's not supposed to be the 'rainy' season here - it rains almost everyday! but it's SO HOT almost like summer - ugh. I just saw a car advertised yesterday for 'off peak season' - usual price is SGD$91,000 and 'today only' it's 18,000 less - it was a simple Toyota :O !! We're still working on re-negotiating our rental contract - they want 50% more right now, but are making us hold out, so possibly by end of August they can ask 100% more - augh! My best friend, Trish, is leaving and moving back to California (Sacramento) next month, so our RS Presidency is going to be released and a new one called. AndI was just getting good at being a secretary, too :( Wonder what I'll get next?? Two more of my friends are leaving forever, too -- sad :( This is summer-time - our ward has 77 ladies in the RS and almost 3/4 of them leave Singapore in the summer - either for vacation during june-july-august or permanently - this summer only 10 families will be here for the summer months - it's weird! Daddy might be going to India in a week or two - he doesn't know yet, but I'll probably wait until his old co-worker takes us - She is from there and I'd feel more comfortable -- I'm not as adventurous as daddy :) We still haven't seen SpiderMan3 yet - has anyone? How is it? I hear it is really good. There is a new building going up next door and an apartment renovation going on upstairs and the pounding of the jack-hammers and the whinning of the drills is making me CRAZY! There are 4 new babies in my ward and 2 in my family - yippee! :~) Send me my mail and lots of pictures of 'my babies' ;) please ;) I love you! check again for an update - sometime ;)

Thursday, May 3

Did You Know??

I've been watching Discovery Channel's "One Planet" today - did you know that the whole earth sees the same moon, in the same phases, at the same time, but that the southern hemisphere sees it upside down from what the northern hemisphere sees it?? Neat, huh?! thought you'd like to know :) And that once in a "Blue Moon" there are 13 cycles of the moon in a year (usually there are only 12 lunar months) - And one species of Tern (that's a bird :), on the island of Ascension, just south of the equator in the Atlantic Ocean, breeds once in exactly 10 lunar 'months' - one year that may occur in early June, the next in mid-April, the next year in early February - the birds know exactly when the 10th lunar cycle occurs. Most all other species of bird breed at the same time/season of year - Spring. And the high-low tides are so dramatic in Nova Scotia, that high tide is 36 feet higher than the low tide! - I love learning stuff like this! :) You've heard of the term "lunacy"? It truly does happen when the gravitational pull of the moon is at it's strongest! Ask any policeman or daddy! :)


Spiderman 3 opened here on 1st May - before it opened in the USA! wow! Daddy and I wanted to go see it, so he said "get the tickets online" which I did. Paid for 3, us plus a friend. When we got to the theatre, we got in the proper line to pick up our online tickets. The lady swipped my credit card, and the proper information came up on her screen (I can read upside down!) she erased it, told me to go get in another line - which I did. They told me to go to another line - which I did again ;( - then one more line!!!!, and 1/2 hour later, the show had started, and they inform me that they have given my tickets to another group, because there had been a "computer problem!" yeah right! whatever! so they have my credit card number, I have no tickets, we did not see Spiderman 3 and they say they will call me when they have reversed the charges! DANG!!!